All root level categories needs to have parent_id set to NULL
function reorder(){
// retrieve the node instructions from javascript
// delta is the difference in position (1 = next node, -1 = previous node)
$node = intval($this->params['form']['node']);
$delta = intval($this->params['form']['delta']);
if ($delta > 0) {
$this->Category->movedown($node, abs($delta));
} elseif ($delta < 0) {
$this->Category->moveup($node, abs($delta));
// send success response
/*do sortowania*/
function reparent(){
$node = intval($this->params['form']['node']);
$parent = intval($this->params['form']['parent']);
$position = intval($this->params['form']['position']);
// save the employee node with the new parent id
// this will move the employee node to the bottom of the parent list
$this->Category->id = $node;
$this->Category->saveField('parent_id', $parent);
// If position == 0, then we move it straight to the top
// otherwise we calculate the distance to move ($delta).
// We have to check if $delta > 0 before moving due to a bug
// in the tree behavior (
if ($position == 0){
$this->Category->moveup($node, true);
} else {
$count = $this->Category->childcount($parent, true);
$delta = $count-$position-1;
if ($delta > 0){
$this->Category->moveup($node, $delta);
// send success response
function sort(){
$this->layout = 'extjs';
$this->set('categories', $this->paginate());
$stuff = $this->Category->find('all',
array('fields' => array('id','name', 'lft', 'rght', 'parent_id'), 'order' => 'lft ASC'));
$this->set('stuff', $stuff);
// debug($stuff);
/*do sortowania*/
function getnodes(){
$this->layout = 'ajax';
// retrieve the node id that Ext JS posts via ajax
$parent = intval($this->params['form']['node']);
$this->log('getNodes: '.$parent, LOG_DEBUG);
// find all the nodes underneath the parent node defined above
// the second parameter (true) means we only want direct children
$nodes = $this->Category->children($parent, true);
$this->log('getNodes: NODES: '.var_export($nodes,true), LOG_DEBUG);
// debug($nodes);
// send the nodes to our view
function reorderCategories($id = null){
if ($id === null && $this->Category->id) {
$id = $this->Category->id;
} elseif (!$id) {
$id = null;
$this->Category->id = null;
// $res = $this->Category->reorder(array('id'=>null, 'field'=> 'lft','order'=>'ASC'));
// $this->Category->reorder(array('field' => 'Category.lft', 'order' =>'ASC'));
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